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Instructions for Parents
Registration Forms are to be filled and submitted to the School office within seven days of issue of Registration Form.
Registration does not imply admission which is subject to admission test/observation and interaction and the availability of seats.
Incomplete or illegible Registration Forms, without photograph, will be considered invalid.
Date for tests/observation and interaction will be given at the time of registration and the same may be changed, on a very short notice of only two days by the school.
At the time of Registration the following documents along wiht Registration and Processing Fee of Rs. 200/-in cash are to be submitted to the School Office.
Duly filled and signed Registration form.
Color passprot-size photographs pasted at the appropriate place in the forms.
Photocopy of Proof of Date of Birth (issued by Municipal Corporation or any other Competent Authority). Date of Birth Certificate issued by Doctor/Nursing Homes/Hopitals will not be accepted.
Affidavit of no. of sons and daughters (How many sons? How many daughters? Or only child?).
Admission to Nursery and Preparatory classes will be through observation/interaction.
There will be an interview/interaction for students seeking admission to Class I-VI followed by a written test.
It is strongly advised that the parents should fill the registration form themselves.
Care must be taken to ensure that the date of birth filled in the Registration Form talles with that on the original Birth Certificate.
It T.C. with 'Passed' or 'Promoted' is not submitted of the earlier school in time, i.e. before the session commences in April 2011, or latest by 15th of May 2011 the admission stands cancelled.
Instructions for Candidates
Copy of Admit Card to be brought at the time of test.
Candidates should come 30 minutes before the start of the written examination.
Candidates should bring their own pencil/pen/colour/pencils/geometry box.